“Dragging” Lyrics
written by David Dorfman, performed by David Dorfman with Sam Crawford
truce songs
January 09 - 13, 2025 at Irondale Center
I have a piece of white chalk
between a few toes
of my right foot,
and I’m dragging,
I’m dragging
I’m dragging it along
a black dance floor,
making oddly shaped squares.
I’m not hurting myself,
but I might be hurting the floor,
hurting you more?
I’m used to dragging my foot,
dragging my ass -
Theoretically, the marks should just wash off,
wipe away, but maybe they won’t,
maybe they’ll stay.
Hey aye……….
I remember a late pal, who told me that
cables used in video production had a memory -
they liked to be coiled a certain way.
Maybe all objects remember what’s been done to them,
let alone people,
I’m still making these boxes.
I’m not sure why
or when I’ll stop.
It might be an obstacle course
for me to move through,
or for someone else to run through -
or I might be creating a message only to be read from above -
I honestly don’t know……………..
Hey aye ………
But I do keep scratching the surface,
to make a dent, to make a mark.
I do do that.
I do do that………….
Hey aye.
Hey aye…………
2)Your heart is in the wrong place.
I don’t know how it got there, it just did.
It might have been in the right place
but now it’s not.
It seems honestly
like you’re wearing your heart on your sleeve,
which although currently trendy,
is not going to be practical in the long run,
and quite dangerous in the short run.
Your heart needs to be in the right place,
right next to your thumb and your soul,
not under your or others’ thumbs.
And it needs to be restarted, replaced, remade, refashioned, redone, retained.
Hey aye……..
Eventually, it will get back to the right place,
I hope anyway, and then all will be well.
Your sleeves will feel lighter,
your gait will be brighter,
your mind will be less frightened
and you will find peace,
you will find peace
I now know this to be true………
(Hey aye……………………..)
3)I’m losing my hair
what hair do i have
i have all of you
i’m combin’
for the afikomen!
i’m combing for clues
i’m combing for hues
i’m combing for you
i’m combin’ …
i’m combin’
i don’t give a shit about my hair
but it does look funny from that same overhead shot
you know the obstacle course message from above
i’m balding
bet you think this song is about me
but don’t be so sure
we all bald
we all scald
we all drag
we all live
we all fall
we all look
we all look
We all look
it’s how we look
it’s how we look …
hey aye hey aye….
it’s how we look
it’s how we look …
hey aye hey aye…. 2x